Muharram is a blessed month, of which the 10th is a unique date. Muslims are recommended to fast on the 9th and 10th or the 10th and 11th. There are many events in history which have taken place on this date, but in our time, a very important lesson continues to be overlooked each year. This, we must not allow to continue. Muharram is a blessed month of which a lot has been written and so will not be repeated here albeit as a brief reminder.
What is of greater significance for us in today's time is a political lesson in the martyrdom of Hussain (RA).
Historically, the 10th of Muharram is a special and a unique date like no other that connects many of Allah's (SWT) Prophets (AS).
On this day...
1. Allah (SWT) saved Sayyidina Nuh (AS) and his companions in the ark.
2. Allah (SWT) spoke directly to Sayyidina Musa (AS) and gave him the Commandments. Also on this day,
3. Sayyidina Imam Hussain (RA) achieved the honor of Martyrdom.
No doubt the 10th is a unique and momentous day which should be remembered. A day which links many of the Prophets together in struggle against tyranny and forgiveness.
However the last event listed carries a special significance for us because Imam Hussain (RA) struggled against Yazid who had usurped the right to become the Khaleefah and attempted to force himself on the ummah. A man can only become the rightful Khaleefah with the pledge of allegiance. No man can be a ruler without the consent of the ummah. Yet, Yazid attempted to circumvent this sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him). Imam Hussain (RA) stood up to this political tyranny and paid with his life.
No man can be a ruler by force nor can a man be a ruler by birthright. It is only the pledge of the ummah that crowns a man a ruler. This a a fundamental principle in Islamic ruling which today has been disregarded.
In short, the ruler is appointed by the people on condition he rules by Islam. The ummah today is plagued by dictators and agents who rule over her. It is high time the ummah took back her right and appoints the rightful Khaleefah. The sacrifice of Hussain (RA) is once again being called for.