Why is fat loss for food lovers so hard? You might think eating too much food is the problem. Actually, the reason for many of us is we eat the wrong types of food. Food plays a big role in what is stored as fat or used as energy. Even a small amount of the wrong kind of food can cause the body to store calories as fat. The right selection of daily food is the main factor which helps in losing fat.
One common problem we all share is we want our food to be...
- convenient
- cheap
- easy to prepare and
- make us feel good, also known as "Comfort Food".
Unfortunately, these types of food are mostly processed. They are usually loaded with sugar, white flour, trans fat, and a whole list of chemicals that the body response to in a negative way.
Enemy Number One, SugarThe following is a small sample of food containing high amount of sugar which makes it hard to archive fat loss for food lovers.
- Cakes
- Cookies
- Juices (store-bought)
- Candy
- Pies
- Pastries
These foods are high in sugar and will be transformed into fat very fast once digested in the body. The first rule for fat loss for food lovers is to avoid sugar at all cost.
One specific item that will stop your fat loss in a hurry is soda. Most people from around the globe drink soda every day. Soft drinks have around 30 to 40 grams of sugar in every can. With that much sugar rushing into your body all at once, it will not be possible for a non active person to use that amount of energy. Your body uses what it needs at the time and stores the rest as fat.
Another important fact about consuming high amounts of sugar is your body’s insulin levels will raise. As your insulin becomes higher, your body will not be able to burn fat. By keeping your insulin at a low-level, you will have a better chance of burning fat because the body is not converting any calories into stored energy. This is why fat loss for food lovers is not possible when the wrong types of food are consumed consistently throughout the day.
Another common problem is eating 2 or 3 large meals a day. Eating big meals will slow down your metabolism and your fat loss efforts.
Instead, try to eat 5 or 6 smaller meals evenly throughout the day. Start your first meal within an hour of waking up. This will help increase your metabolism throughout the day and making fat loss for food lovers a real possibility. Plus, eating breakfast will help with those late night cravings.
Many people love eating right before they go to sleep. This habit needs to stop right away. End your last meal 3 to 4 hours before you go to sleep. This will give your body time to digest your last meal and help you burn more fat as energy when you sleep rather than using the calories you consumed right before bed.
Healthy FoodLet's talk about the types of good tasting healthy foods that fat loss for food lovers should be eating. These foods should consist of mostly protein and vegetables, with small amounts of carbohydrates and a healthy source of fats consumed with each meal.
Here is a list of proteins, vegetables, fats and carbohydrates that you should be consuming throughout the week...
- Fish
- Egg Whites
- Chicken
- Turkey
- Whey Protein
- Spinach
- Broccoli
- Asparagus
- Bell Peppers
- Green Beans
- Fruits
- Oatmeal
- Sweet Potatoes
- Brown Rice
- Fish Oil
- Olive Oil
- Natural Peanut Butter
- Almonds
- Water
- Green Tea
- Salsa
- Non Fat Yogurt
- Cottage Cheese
Using a variety of spices and different sauces, you can really enhance the flavoring of your meals. Certain spices like red pepper and cinnamon are Thermogenics, which means it warms up your body to help burn fat through heat energy.
Being aware of the right types of food to eat will make fat loss for food lovers very possible.
Source: Ezine
Cindy Bolhan · 600 weeks ago