Vegetables are one of the most nutrient rich foods you can eat. They are an important source of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. With countless nutritional benefits, they are vibrant and versatile and can be used to brighten up any cuisine.
The first rule for veggie preparation is the following: Don't overcook them. Many veggies taste best raw or cooked just slightly where they still retain a healthy crunch. For example, if you are preparing some broccoli and carrots to eat with your pasta, don't chop them up and toss them in to simmer with the sauce until they wither away into nothingness. Keep them apart and fry them up with just a tiny amount of olive oil. Or steam them for just a couple of minutes. To retain the most nutrients and flavor, veggies should still keep their original color and have a crisp texture.
To ease into your newfound relationship with vegetables, try adding them into dishes you already love. Toss some onto your favorite pasta dish, sprinkle them on pizza or add a few into your favorite chicken stir fry. Layer pieces of zucchini and yellow squash in your signature lasagna. Add some extra veggies to your chicken noodle soup. Try at least one new vegetable each night in your dinner salad.