I would love to share tips to track invalid adsense clicks, to make sure you are on safe side.
Many of famous websites and blogs are facing the issue of invalid click and therefore suspension of adsense accounts. Who are these people who click on your website madly which results in blockage of your account? Well they are rivals and they do it for personal dislike and professional greed.
Monitor your Adsense Account on Daily Basis
- Monitor your adsense account once a day; 3-4 times a day is even better.
- Keep an eye on (Click through rate) – to make sure it’s around your daily average
- If CTR goes very high, then you should start worrying and take necessary action to make sure you are safe.
Track Invalid Adsense Clicks:
Google has the access to suspend your account without telling you anything if there is an invalid click activity going on in your account.
So do the following to save your account:
- Register your account on statcounter.com
- Install the code on your website – there is an option to deploy invisible code
Statcounter will help you instantly start tracking your website for each single incoming visitor, outgoing links, downloads and more.
You should focus on exit link activity to make sure that clicks on ads are valid – and there’s nothing suspicious going on. For this, go to your statcounter account, open the project you just created and check for stats, exit link activity being most crucial of them:
You may even try contacting FIA’s cyber crime wing with all the details. Contacting FIA’s cyber crime wing.
Source: propakistani.pk