Jun 17, 2011

Now you can't watch 'Friday' anymore - Rebecca Black Video Off YouTube

Happy Friday everyone! Well everyone but Rebecca Black, the 13-year-old YouTube sensation whose song "Friday" has gotten 167 million views. If you haven't seen the notoriously bad video, you may have lost your chance. Rebecca's family had the video taken down because they say Ark Music Factory, the company they hired to make it, is wrongfully exploiting the song and Rebecca's image. Ark controls the video's YouTube account. Last week Ark briefly charged users $2.99 for three-day viewing rights of the video. It seems Rebecca and her family did not "get down" with the fee. "Friday" fans have taken to Twitter to express their remorse over "Friday's" funeral with the hashtags #sadfriday and #nothingcomesafterthursday.

It might soon be illegal to buy goldfish in San Francisco. The city's Animal Control and Welfare Commission is pushing for a ban because it says the mass breeding of the fish is inhumane. The proposed bill would also outlaw the sale of tropical fish and renew a ban on hamsters, kittens, and puppies.

The commission wants to discourage "impulse buys" of these pets, which sometimes end up abandoned in shelters. Reactions are all over Twitter, where one person has said, "San Fran finally found an 'impulse' they didn't like." And finally, you have to see this out-of-this-world video that's going viral. It looks like it's straight out of an apocalyptic science-fiction movie, but it's very real. The video shows Argentina's largest lake covered in ash from a Chilean volcano that erupted on June 4. Up to a foot of ash has also covered the Argentinean border town of Villa La Angostura. Local officials have asked for the area to be declared a state of emergency because many residents are without electricity and water. Argentina's Health Ministry has sent psychologists to the Patagonian area to treat nervous residents. These pictures show Villa La Angostura blanketed in gray ash, not the layer of picturesque white snow that usually covers the area at the outset of the Southern Hemisphere winter. One brave soul is diving below the spooky lake's surface to see what lies beneath. Let us know what you find down there!

Will you mourn Rebecca Black's "Friday?" Let us know on Facebook and Twitter. And get my trending updates all day by "liking" my Facebook fan page.

Source: news.yahoo.com

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nice and cool apps thank you for sharing..

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