Aug 17, 2010

The Magical Art of Potter’s Wheel

The art of pottery is as old as human civilization. As human population was struggling to invent new technologies for survival, pottery emerged both as an art form and also served utilitarian purposes. Various materials are used for pottery including clay, porcelain and stone. Although with the passage of time, a variety of new materials were introduced for crockery and decorative items but the products of this art still remain the most sought-after items.
In the beginning, human beings used their hands to mould and sculpt clay into pots, pans, plates or exquisite handiwork.
The technology which gave a breakthrough to this industry was the invention of 'potter's wheel'. The clay mould is placed on a round board which is rotated through electricity or foot, while the potter shapes the clay with his skillful hands.
Pottery is very much a part of our culture. This craft is used for the production of utilitarian items such as cooking pots, plates, cups, pots for plants to decorative items, which are unique to this region.
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